Fairfields School

Transforming the school library into an inspiring woodland themed space.

The School

Opened in 1887, Fairfields Primary is the oldest school in Basingstoke, Hampshire. Fairfields is a loyal customer, developing an enclosed early years area over several years. Other outdoor developments include play elements, an outdoor classroom, and a memorial garden for a former student at the school.

School Library – The Concept

Most recently Outdoor for Schools has renovated the school library providing an inspiring woodland-themed space for students to browse and enjoy books. Along with extensive bookshelves, we have provided a treehouse, furniture and a tepee.

Ofsted Quote regarding the library at Fairfields School

A well-established reading programme helps pupils make a positive start to their education. Leaders encourage pupils to become fluent readers by providing high-quality texts to engage with. The welcoming library encourages a love of reading, with pupils enjoying a good book in the treehouse and wigwam.

The Review

AEL has transformed our library space! With a focus on reading for pleasure as part of the National Curriculum, the space now supports this. Our children love visiting the library and make use of all of the comfy areas to choose a book and read. The improved engagement in reading during library lessons has been dramatic! Planning the space with AEL was effortless with their creative team of designers. Our design was enhanced through the talented team of people working at AEL with the addition of the leaf-shaped tables and toadstool seats!

Kelly Dillon

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